Building Business Breakthroughs


  • M&A Origination and Deal Management
  • Transplants and Internationalization
  • Diversification and Value Chain Extension
  • Divestments and Refocusing on Core Business


  • Technology, Investments and Product Mix
  • New Applications, Customization and Marketing Mix
  • Venture and Innovative Business Development
  • Data Mining, Simulations and Statistical Analysis


  • Lean Organization and Planning
  • Process Reenginering
  • Working Capital Reduction
  • Restructuring and Turnaround
innovation consulting illustration

Pragmatic Management Consulting

A Simple Methodology


A Durable Partnership

Partnership Mode

After an initial phase of understanding and analysis, we bring you benchmarks and innovative ideas on a continuous and holistic base during the years

Focused Intervention

The standard consulting intervention: a team of professionals address and brings a recommended solution to your question

Transition Management

We provide the right profesional(s) and get in charge of a specific operational situation: transplant project, acquisition, restructuring, change management

Lean and International Organization

Levanto calls on an array of professional partners to address customers requests across practices and industries

M&A DealsIntermediationSoftware &ElectronicsStrategy &OrganizationChemistry& BiotechsOperationsManagementAerospace& DefensePlanning &Supply ChainAutomotive &TransportationBig Data &MarketingEnergy &RenewablesEngineering& TechnologyMetals &MaterialsLevantoFunctionalPracticeIndustry &TechnologyExperts

International by nature, key competence in
in Latin Europe, China and South-East Asia

map of our experience

Key Professional Partners

AXEANS Strategy Consulting

Axeans Strategy Consulting - Paris, Shanghai

Axeans is an independent high-end strategy consulting boutique. Combining the experience of leading strategy consulting firms with executive industry experience, Axeans deliver innovative solutions and ideas to funds, corporates and entrepreneurs. The competence of Axeans span from energy and chemicals - oil and gas being the core business - to media, leisure, luxury goods, high-tech and defence. International by nature, most missions of Axeans run across geography and cultures. Building on their technological competence, their teams continuously survey market and technology trends, enriching appropriate business databases for the benefit of their customers. Axeans intervention is particularly valuable to evaluate acquisition targets, to design vendor due diligences, or to enhance the business scope of a company either with organic innovation or via external growth. As specific developments, Axeans are accumulating experience to help customers manage the digital revolution, and to address business in specific emerging markets, as Indonesia and Iran.


Battaglia Advisory Services - Shanghai, Milan

After 15 years operational consulting experience, Riccardo Battaglia founded BAS in 2004 in Shanghai, to deliver high end consulting services to Italian companies and investment funds. The scope of expertise extend from industrial operations to retail business. Typically BAS helps customers to enhance sales, improve operations and optimize purchasing in China. They also help investment funds to identify and due diligence potential exits in China.

CDI Global - Cross Border M&A

Born in Finland, CDI Global is a unique network of seasoned professionals, with strong industrial know-how and international experience. They provide advice on mergers and acquisitions, including divestitures and joint ventures, with buy-side and sell-side representation. Specialist of project origination and deal making for the middle market, CDI Global brings unique cross-border transaction capability. Their industrial and business competence allow them to deliver appropriate and confidential advice on strategy, valuation, due diligence, financial and legal when required. Entrepreneurs and private companies can rely on their intervention to find the right acquisition target across the world, or the ideal buyer: CDI Global have delivered over 1,500 transactions covering multiple industry sectors, very often cross-border.

Entheas, Human Capital and Innovation - Paris

What percentage of our capabilities are we using? This core question led Entheas, an outstanding coaching boutique, to deliver business innovation and to help customers during business transformation. Entheas support with soft skills the different phases of business transformation, being them growth, restructuring or internationalization. Enhancing the human capital brings the highest return on investment on the short term, when compared with most other non-recurrent actions. Trying is adopting! Their offer: learning platforms, managers coaching, innovation enhancement, marketing and business creativity.


  • Giovanni Drago
  • Giovanni Drago photo
  • Email: gdrago[@]
  • Skype: wgdrago
  • Europe: +33 6 7182 6885
  • Shanghai: +86 158 2124 3954
  • Singapore: +65 9679 1278

Strategy, Innovation and Operations Management

With over 20 years experience, Giovanni held executive responsibilities in innovation, engineering and operations management within major corporations, as strategy consultant or as entrepreneur. Creative and hands on, he is recognized for his capabilities to think “out of the box”, to open new business opportunities and to combine diverse technologies in original solutions. His technological and industrial competence spans biotech and chemicals, glass, metals and materials, automotive and aerospace, energy and renewables, marine engineering. Straightforward and operational engineer, Giovanni designed and built four innovative green-field industrial facilities, re-engineered the process and business of five existing plants, and managed several global re-organization and supply chain projects. Data-driven, with sound competence in finance, he delivered over 20 strategic M&A due diligence for customers in a broad spectrum of industries, locations and situations. International - currently based in Lisbon (previously in Shanghai, Singapore and Paris) - he previously managed projects and teams in Europe, North America, Brazil, India, Japan and South-East Asia.

Professional Experience Highlights

• From 2014: Founder of Levanto partners and also partner within Axeans strategy consulting and CDI Global M&A • 2009-2013: CEO of the biotech venture, Wintershine, as entrepreneur in Singapore • 2005-2009: VP innovation and business development for Winoa (LBO), managing teams in Europe, Brazil, Canada and Japan • 2003-2005: VP operations of two divisions of Thomson, supervising 8 plants in Europe and North America • 2000-2003: Manager within Arthur D.Little: missions of innovation, industrial rationalization and restructuring • 1995-2000: Manager of programs, chemical engineering, then marketing within Valeo Friction Materials

Academic Background

• EMBA Chicago Booth (2011), Singapore campus • Politecnico Torino (1995): chemical engineering and material science (thesis in quantum chemistry) • Ecole Centrale Paris (1994): engineering, master of science • Trilingual Italian, French and English, fluent in Spanish and German, Chinese (HSK5) • Personal interests: engineering and mathematical modeling, programming, chemistry, energetic and fluid-dynamic